A survey of Central and Eastern European cinema
Sunday May 5th 2024


Posts Tagged ‘György Pálfi’

Checking the Gate

Checking the Gate

As highlighted by my last post, this week sees the launch of the 'Check the Gate' festival of recent(ish) Hungarian cinema - and since I've now managed to see six-and-a-half out of the seven features being screened, here's a sneak preview of what's showing. Given that the festival's function is to provide a snapshot of what's been happening in [...]

Hungarian horrors

Hungarian horrors

To say that the films of the young (b. 1974) Hungarian director György Pálfi are an acquired taste is no more than a statement of the obvious, but it's already clear from Hukkle (2002) and Taxidermia (2006) that he's potentially one of the most distinctive voices to emerge from European cinema in a great many years. I was lucky enough to see [...]


Apologies for the lack of updates - things have been insanely busy over the past fortnight, what with the Ken Russell retrospective at BFI Southbank (for which I contributed a 75-minute illustrated talk and met the man himself a few days later) and various other work-related things - including an interview about Jan Švankmajer for MovieMail's [...]