A survey of Central and Eastern European cinema
Sunday May 5th 2024


Posts Tagged ‘Krzysztof Krauze’

Polish Paths to Freedom: Sparks of Hope (screening times)

Further to my post last week about the Imperial War Museum's ambitious, very welcome and entirely free series of screenings of Polish films illuminating the country's post-1970s history, they've now confirmed dates and screening times. You can download a PDF document here, but I'm sure they won't mind me reproducing the details for easier [...]

Saviour’s Square

Saviour’s Square

Saviour's Square Plac Zbawiciela 2006, colour, 105 mins Directors: Joanna Kos-Krauze, Krzysztof Krauze Producer: Juliusz Machulski Script: Joanna Kos-Krauze, Krzysztof Krauze, with additional dialogue by Arkadiusz Janiczek, Jowita Miondlikowska, Ewa Wencel Camera: Wojciech Staroń Editing: Krzysztof Szpetmański Production Design: Monika [...]

The Debt

The Debt

Dług Poland, 1999, colour, 102 minsI've been asked to write a short piece on the Polish director Krzysztof Krauze for the London Film Festival website (his latest film Saviour's Square/Plac Zbawiciela is screening there on October 24 and 27), so I caught up with his 1999 breakthrough film The Debt. I knew absolutely nothing about it in advance [...]

My Nikifor

My Nikifor

I'm reviewing Krzysztof Krauze's My Nikifor (Mój Nikifor, 2004) in much more detail for Sight & Sound, but here's a précis: a quiet, understated, rather moving film about an elderly tramp (or so he initially seems) who installs himself in the studio of artist Marian Włosiński (Roman Gancarczyk) and produces tiny paintings on card at a [...]