A survey of Central and Eastern European cinema
Sunday May 5th 2024


Posts Tagged ‘Krzysztof Kieślowski’

Polish Paths to Freedom: Sparks of Hope (screening times)

Further to my post last week about the Imperial War Museum's ambitious, very welcome and entirely free series of screenings of Polish films illuminating the country's post-1970s history, they've now confirmed dates and screening times. You can download a PDF document here, but I'm sure they won't mind me reproducing the details for easier [...]

Polish Paths to Freedom: Sparks of Hope

Just over a year ago I posted details about the second instalment of the Imperial War Museum's enterprising Polish Paths to Freedom season - a series of films illustrating aspects of twentieth-century Polish history from various perspectives, fiction and non-fiction, contemporary and historical, you name it.They've just announced the line-up for [...]

The Polish Documentary Movement 1947-60

(This is the text of a presentation I gave at the BFI this afternoon, on the early history of the Polish documentary movement 1947-60 - I've deleted some scene-setting preamble that was only relevant to that particular audience, but otherwise this is pretty much verbatim.)One thing that becomes very clear very quickly when one starts to delve into [...]

Derek Malcolm’s Century of Cinema

While researching something else (as is always the way), I stumbled upon former Guardian critic Derek Malcolm's A Century of Films - a survey of his personal Top 100, with a robust defence of each film's inclusion. And on glancing down the list again for the first time since 2001, I notice that nine of his choices came from central and eastern [...]

The Musicians

The Musicians

Muzykanci Poland, 1960, black and white, 9 minsWhen Sight & Sound magazine ran the fifth of its decennial critics' Top Ten polls of what was alleged to be the best films ever made, they extended the invitation to filmmakers for the first time. As one of the leading arthouse cinema lights at the time (1992) Krzystof Kieślowski's list came [...]

Krzysztof Kieślowski on DVD

The very welcome arrival of PWA's DVD survey of Krzysztof Kieślowski documentaries earlier today made me realise that of all Polish filmmakers, his output is probably the best represented on English-friendly DVD. So here's a survey of what's available with English subtitles, based on the filmography appended to Culture.pl's admirably thorough [...]